Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Our Love

My Baby, I have wanted to write to you for some time now, but I have been unsure what to say, searching for the right words. I guess I just want to say thank you. Thank you for listening to both my stories and bad singing without complaint. You put up with my occasional rudeness and silence when I'm wrapped up in my own thoughts. You let me be myself, as crazy and nonsensical as I may be on any given day. You help me learn and grow everyday without even knowing it. You have given me a new appreciation for the smaller things in life while still encouraging my big dreams. Thank you for always being honest. Most of all thank you for being you, and loving me for me. You have a heart of gold and are one of the best people that I know. If sometime later from now you grow tired and weary of me, reread this letter and remember our love. Sincerely, Your Baby

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